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Happy New Year

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From the Desk of the Mayor:

2022 has been a year of growth in our amazing borough. I would like to express my gratitude to the public servants that kept our borough running so smoothly during another challenging year. Among its other duties, our Borough Council supplies general oversight, including how our tax dollars are spent. I am happy to say that through their stewardship, we have continued to hold the line on tax increases for the past several years while ensuring that all essential projects and services are funded.

Borough Council: Our council members are liaisons to the Mechanicsburg School Board, our volunteer Fire Department, Council of Governments, Local Emergency Management, and our Parks and Recreation Board. They oversee property and equipment, streets and pavements, sanitation management and our Main Street corridor.

Borough Police and Volunteer Fire Department: Our police department continues to keep us safe: enforcing our speed limits, setting up traffic studies, overseeing new one-way streets, and maintaining law and order. Our Volunteer Fire Department has really stepped it up. Our Fire Chief has strived to make it the best Fire Department we’ve had in years through diligent training of our volunteers. They have also purchased a mini pumper that allows them to assist with a variety of calls that would not have been possible to do with their larger fire truck.

Borough Maintenance Department: Our maintenance department has consistently outdone themselves by making sure that our borough parks and other public properties are kept in top notch condition for our residents to enjoy. They perform extensive preventative maintenance on our borough equipment, which helps to avoid extra costs allowing your dollars to be spent elsewhere.

Parks and Recreation Board: These folks are hard at work all year round bringing you such events as the Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween Party and Christmas Tree Lighting. They have added food trucks at Manor Park which has also been extremely well received. This year’s Tree Lighting was amazing with a wonderful area set up for Santa. I can’t wait to see what they have planned for next year.

Borough Office: I don’t know what we would do without our staff. Our Borough Secretary is the glue that holds our Borough together, I can’t properly express my gratitude for her expertise. Our Codes Enforcement/Zoning Officer has done an exceptional job for our Borough, she amazes me with her dedication and concern for the safety of our residents. Our Treasurer provides us with our budget and does a great job of helping the Borough Council manage the finances. He also makes sure that all our bills are paid on time. Our Solicitor makes sure that we understand what we can and can’t do in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. He often provides us with insight as to what other small municipalities are thinking about on a wide variety of topics, which is a great component of proper decision making. I would like to welcome to our new Tax Collector, who is available for any questions or concerns.

Together, all these groups strive to make our little town a great place to live! It is truly an honor and a privilege to be a part of this amazing ensemble.

Happy New Year Blessings for 2023!

Tammie Dailey

Shiremanstown Borough Mayor
