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Teen Donates AED

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On Monday, June 12th, Shiremanstown Boro resident Wiz McCormick presented an AED to the Boro police department.  We’re proud to have a resident like Wiz in our community.  Thanks, Wiz!

Press release from The Peyton Walker Foundation:


Sixteen-year-old Wiz McCormick of Shiremanstown has teamed up with The Peyton Walker Foundation to raise funds to purchase Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) for the community.  Because of the success of the fundraising campaign and generosity of the local community, Wiz’s goal was exceeded, enabling an additional donation of another AED.

Two years ago, at a free heart screening offered by The Peyton Walker Foundation, McCormick was diagnosed with a potentially fatal heart condition – left ventricle hypertrophy with non-compaction.  “I never had any indication there was a problem with my heart. However, because of the Foundation’s heart screening, I learned a lot about heart conditions and how an AED can save lives” said Wiz.  McCormick, who is a 4 sport student athlete at Trinity High School in Camp Hill, PA, wanted to partner with The Peyton Walker Foundation to help raise awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) and to give back to his community.

SCA is the #1 killer of student athletes in our country.  Every 3 days a student athlete dies from SCA.  AEDs save lives.  Statistics show that immediate CPR and early defibrillation with an AED can more than double a victim’s chance of survival (American Heart Association).

Wiz presented his first AED on Friday, March 24, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. to the Olympic Skating Center, 60 E. Shady Lane, Enola, PA, where he works and practices speed skating. Wiz says, “Many families and friends celebrate birthdays at the rink and it is a place where lots of kids and adults go to have fun – but there is no AED at the rink. Tammy and Mac, the owners of the rink, have always been so good to me and the speed skating team. I wanted to give back to the rink and my community.  Having an AED at the rink will benefit all those who use the facility.”

The other two AED’s were donated to the Shiremanstown Police Department and to a local EMT who has tirelessly given of his time volunteering for 20+ years at sporting events up and down the east coast.


The Lebo-Owens Tribute

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The Lebo-Owens Brick Tribute was conceived in January 2006 when Shiremanstown experienced double heartbreak: the sudden death of their respected Mayor, Dean Lebo, and the lung cancer diagnosis of beloved Chief of Police, Joe Owens. The vision of honoring these long-time servants of the Borough became a reality with the public dedication of the Memorial in August 2007. Brick orders continue to be accepted to expand the patio area in Memorial Park.

Proceeds benefit Summit Search and Rescue, a non-profit organization providing man trailing bloodhound teams to the Shiremanstown Police and other area rescue agencies. To order a brick you can download and print out Lebo-Owens Brick Tribute form and drop it off at the borough hall or for further information please contact [email protected].
