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Leap Year Baby

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Leap-year Baby!  

The Borough joins in congratulating Cody and Beverly Pitcher-Johnson on the birth of their daughter, Lillian Claire Pitcher-Johnson.  In addition to being possibly the first Leap Year baby for the Borough (only one in 1,461 are born on February 29th), Lillian surprised her doctors, first responders, and certainly her parents when she made her entrance two weeks early in their Shiremanstown home.

Beverly experienced discomfort earlier in the morning of February 29 and called her doctors who advised she follow a soft diet.  However, when Cody returned home with the prescribed food, he found his wife in active labor and quickly called the Cumberland County Dispatch.  Labor had progressed to the point that while responders were on their way to the East Green Street home, Dispatch talked Cody through the delivery process until  Hampden EMS arrived and successfully completed the delivery of a 6 lb. 15 oz. baby girl at 12:25 PM.  They then took Beverly and their new-born daughter to UPMC to ensure their well-being.  There, Lillian was rushed to the NICU and Beverly was taken for assessment by her medical team.  Cody was briefly frustrated as he waited for news on the health of his wife and daughter; however, as reports of both a healthy Mom and Baby were given,  anxiety turned to joy for this young family.  UPMC appropriately dressed Claire in a hand-knitted kangaroo hat and presented the proud parents with an official Leapling Certificate.

The Pitcher-Johnsons express appreciation to all who made the birth  and homecoming of Lillian a truly extraordinary event. 

